The faces behind the Fondation Dynastie : Tracy Paulotte


Manager, Programs and Outreach

Tracy has been combining experience and passion for project management and production for 7 years now. Certified in human resources and TV production, she has worked on the sets of production companies such as Little Burgundy, Les Enfants, Metafilms, QOLAB and Léonard Médias. As the Foundation's first recruit, she brings an undeniable dynamism and creativity to the team. Guided by a desire to promote the professional development of Afro-descendant talent in the cultural milieu, she brings a committed vision to every program she develops.

Tell us about your role at the Foundation? 

As Head of Programs and Outreach, I set up programs and develop partnerships that help Afro-descendants achieve professional fulfillment in the cultural, media and artistic spheres. Often, if you see me at an event, it's because I'm there to represent the Foundation.

What's your favorite thing about your work? 

It's seeing our ideas come to fruition after months of teamwork. The impact of our initiatives on those who benefit from them is a great source of motivation. It's inspiring and always pushes me to do more!

What "superpower" would you like to have? 

To put time on pause so that I can always enjoy a little more time with my loved ones, sleep, listen to my favorite series or... Yes. Work :)

What's your favourite word? 

It's all a question of... PERSPECTIVE.

How would you describe yourself in 3 adjectives?

Joyful, visionary and a go-getter

Who's your favourite band? 

It depends on my mood... presently: Solange.

What's your favourite saying? 

Nothing is impossible to him who believes!

What's your favourite book?

I don't have one in particular, but the last one I flipped through again was Don Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements.

What's your favourite color?

Rose (coming from someone who always dresses all in black)

Who was the first artist you saw in concert?

YMCMB, and I have a picture with them!

Who's your favorite comedian?

My mother! She was certainly a comedian in another life.

Name three things you would bring to a desert island:

A radio with an antenna, the biggest dictionary and a warm sheet. - I'm always cold.

Photo credit: Yassine Sanou

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